
Appetizers, Dinner, Lunch, Vegan, Vegetarian

Tangy Lemon Salad Dressing

I’m going to be honest here, I am not a huge fan of salads. My whole family knows this, there just is nothing that get’s me excited about them. I find store bought dressing to be bland, full of unhealthy ingredients, and nothing special. That is until I started making my own salad dressings! I […]

Dinner, Lunch, Vegan, Vegetarian

Beer Pizza Dough

Here me out, this pizza dough beats ALL other pizza doughs. Why? Because you can use ANY beer you want to make it! And it will come out with a different flavour every time you switch up the beer. Want a light taste? Use a pale ale. Want a rich deeper taste? Use a dark […]

Breakfast, Vegan, Vegetarian

Simple Avocado Toast

I know, you are sick of hearing about avocado toast. That being said, is there nothing worse than paying a hefty amount of money at brunch for some avocado toast? Let me tell you, you can easily make it at home for a quarter of the price, and still have all the delicious flavours. Best […]